Energy Medicine - The book
The book for the training
233 pages, 24,80 Euro
eBook: 11,99 Euro
ISBN 978-3759-78506
BoD 2024
Shamanic Healing + Symptom Constellations
In this non-fiction book, Dr Karl-Heinz Rauscher presents the shamanic healing method Healing Voices Rainbow, which he has developed over the last 25 years and practices daily in his practice and online worldwide in combination with Symptom Constellations.
He has presented these healing methods in workshops and individual therapies in 15 countries and 4 continents, proving the effectiveness of the treatment with Healing Voices Rainbow in different cultures.
This book opens up two valuable and extremely effective healing methods in the field of Energy Medicine, which complement and enrich conventional medical treatments.
This book is, as Dr Rauscher himself puts it, his legacy as a doctor to the world.
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Reading Sample: ENERGY MEDICINE: Healing Voices Rainbow
Energy is the magic word. Everything in our living world is energy. Life itself is energy. We as human beings are filled with energy; our bodies are created and maintained by energetic processes.
An understanding of this basic reality is still alien to modern Western medicine, the reason being the historical intellectual fixation on visible and measurable matter, a fixation that came about as a reaction to the authoritarian interpretation of the world by religions.
The separation of matter and spirit by the philosophers of the Enlightenment overcame the dominance of religion in popular thinking and established modern science, which limits its perception of nature to the five senses. As a result, scientists of that era considered only matter which could be recognised through pure observation as worthy of investigation. The spirit, and thus all invisible, non-measurable energetic processes, were tainted by association with religion. The rationally minded wished (and still wish) to avoid falling into the clutches of religions whose leaders believed themselves entitled to dictate to scientists what is allowed and what is not. The taboo on the scientific investigation of spiritual and energetic processes is a direct consequence of the collective trauma stemming from the witch hunts and burnings which went on over centuries and ensnared anyone, male or female, who thought differently. It is a millionfold trauma that persists to this day, is firmly embedded in our society and leads to a heightened level of fear in the collective unconscious. Behind the rejection of spiritual-energetic healing powers by many scientists lies the unconscious fear of being ridiculed, banished from civil society and ultimately put to death. Because these processes take place within the collective subconscious mind, people are unaware of them. The rejection of energetic healing is an automatic response, a collective reflex that bypasses the mind. Reflex responses can, however, only be justified in situations of immediate danger. Later, when the danger has passed, and especially when the time comes to analyse the natural world scientifically, with dispassionate intellect, such automatic responses have no place. Because at this point, they rob us of our reason.
The continued existence of this reflex indicates that the danger is not yet emotionally over, that many people living today are still collectively so traumatised in their deepest souls by the millionfold slaughter in the Middle Ages that they cannot see reality and the forces at work in it. We suffer from a collective, post-traumatic psychosyndrome in which unconscious fear leads to the suppression of common sense and, as a result, to total ignorance of natural, energetic phenomena. The result is a distorted view of nature. A fundamental barrier has thus been set up in the scientific world, which prevents the observable from being investigated.
I In rejecting all spiritual, energetic processes in the human body and soul, conservative scientists make a twofold mistake. On the one hand, they reject spiritual connections so as not to expose themselves to religious authoritarianism and, unconsciously, to deadly persecution. On the other hand, they adopt the same automatic condemnation of all spiritual healing from the monotheistic religions which demonised such spiritual healing powers as manifestations of the indigenous nature-based religions that were to be eradicated and whose healer practitioners were to be burned at the stake, drowned or simply hanged from the nearest tree.
In this way, the entire Western scientific world has adopted the very belief system that it actually wanted to move away from and into which it is determined not to fall back under any circumstances, come hell or high water. Because it is a completely unfounded belief that energetic-spiritual forces do not exist or, if they do exist, that they only cause evil and harm people.
As long as matter had not yet been researched to the last detail and its exploration continued to produce new, valuable findings, even without the assumption of a spiritual background, this was not so bad. However, since matter has now largely revealed its secrets and even DNA, our genetic code, has been deciphered to the last building block, research into life’s mysteries is no longer making any real progress. We are going round in circles.
Since we were presented with the indisputable findings of quantum physics, which prove that matter breaks down into something that has never been associated with matter, namely energy and connection – all of this under the gaze of physicists – it should be clear to everyone that, in order to better understand life, we need to expand our framework of understanding. The invisible world of energy and the relationships between the energetic units now comes into consideration.
For this to happen, Western science would have to abandon once and for all the belief that the invisible does not exist and is therefore not worth investigating. It is a belief that is nothing more than a religious dogma which should no longer have any place in scientific thinking.
If only a third of the world’s research funds – many billions – were invested in clarifying the energetic background to the phenomenon of life, we would soon have proof of what the doctors and healers of this world who work with healing energies have known for a long time based on their own experience:
Matter is generated by energy and sustained in its existence by energy. Energy permeates the entire universe and connects all its parts into a functioning whole. There are energetic structures that can not only maintain order in the universe and all its parts, including the human body and the human psyche, but also restore it in the event of disruption. In addition to the energetic forces that maintain life in its healthy functions, there are however also energetic interference fields that lead to illness and pain. Most interesting for medicine is the fact that healing energies also exist.
Similar to the earth’s magnetic field, they are present everywhere, are totally geared towards recovery and have the power to heal physical illnesses and also mental disorders, or at least to make a significant contribution to healing.
This book is intended to open the eyes of my medical colleagues, of the scientific community and of all people who are interested in the background of life to the highly interesting world of energy which forms the basis of life, which permeates all of us completely and to which we owe our existence. But the most positive aspect is that these energy worlds contain forces that are able to heal us on all levels.
This book is my legacy as a doctor to the world.
Exploration of the invisible is the great adventure of the future. It is an adventure, because we do not know what lies ahead of us. The new and unknown is inconceivable within the old thought patterns, cannot be grasped with the familiar linguistic terms and cannot be measured with the instruments we have had at our disposal up to now. It transcends our horizons. Just as, in the Middle Ages, the realisation that the earth is round literally lay ‘beyond the horizon’, and we first had to venture to the edges of the then known world in order to prove a truth already recognised in theory, so today we too must venture to the edges of our imagination and sail beyond until new land appears and makes a new kind of understanding possible. This will give us insights into the truths of living nature that are still hidden today.
We know from history that it is not easy for people to abandon the fixed framework of thought to which they have adhered throughout life, only to realise that the world as they conceived it up to now does not exist, indeed has never existed.
But the spirit of enquiry, which is an important characteristic of our species, has always led us beyond the current horizon. So come with me on a journey to new horizons, beyond which we will discover together how the astonishing phenomena of energy medicine can be explained and what new picture of existence emerges from them.
Albert Einstein, one of the most intelligent thinkers of the modern era, was inspired by the view beyond this very horizon to write the following words:
“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”
Einstein’s realisation that everything is energy confirmed the idea I already had as a medical student that there is a deeper reason, a deeper cause behind the body – namely matter – and that doctors can only understand the illnesses of their patients when they recognise the energy structure that underpins and conditions this body and therefore also its illnesses.
The great inertia of old thought patterns is reflected in the fact that hardly anything has changed in medical research to this day – even post-Einstein and in the face of the quantum physical evidence for his findings. Medical researchers still cling to the traditional, material view of the human body and refuse to take the experiences of shamanic healers and energy medicine practitioners of modern times seriously, failing to recognise them as perceptible, natural phenomena. However, such recognition is precisely the prerequisite for utilising the enormous potential of this planet’s creative spirit of research and the enormous financial resources that flow into medical research worldwide for research into energetic phenomena of the body and soul.
As a specialist in internal medicine, a family constellator and now also a shamanic healer, I have experienced countless examples which today make it certain to me that energetic processes are not only the cause of physical and mental illnesses, but that they also play a leading role in the healing of those illnesses.
These experiences have brought me to the realisation that true healing is not possible without the contribution of the energy worlds that surround us and in which we live. Energy medicine understands the energetic connections, researches them more closely and incorporates them into the treatment of patients. It has the potential to revolutionise the future of medicine. Shamans throughout all eras and on all continents use energetic healing methods. In addition, more and more doctors and healers around the world are discovering energy medicine. A wide variety of methods are being used.
In this book, I look forward to introducing you to two new and extremely effective methods of energy medicine: Symptom Constellations and the shamanic healing method known as ‘Healing Voices’. The deeper backgrounds that emerge not only open up new healing possibilities, but also shed new light on the innermost core of the phenomenon of life.
Writing this book is an adventure for me, because I expect that I myself will come to new realisations and surprising insights during the writing process. I invite you to accompany me on the intellectual journey of this adventure.
Chapter 1: The basics of energy medicine
“We are slowed down sound and light waves, a walking bundle of frequencies tuned into the cosmos. We are souls dressed up in sacred biochemical garments and our bodies are the instruments through which our souls play their music.”
Albert Einstein
I owe my knowledge of energy medicine to my many years of experience with system constellations and the shamanic healing method known as ‘Healing Voices’.
In order to understand the amazing healing power of energy medicine, I had to shake off the old thought patterns of the scientific world of our time and take a completely new mental path. In English, we speak of ‘thinking out of the box’ or, as Jens Corssen, a specialist in mental self-management, puts it, jumping out of the ‘neuronal cot’ and leaving the habitual thinking pathways of our brain behind to plunge into the daunting jungle of an unknown world.
I would like to describe the world that was revealed to me then right here at the beginning of this book, because it allows us to better understand and comprehend the healing phenomena of energy medicine.
Energy worlds
We humans live within different energy worlds and energy levels that not only surround us, but also permeate every cell of our body and every layer of our aura. These energy worlds, which are organised in levels, in different qualities and frequencies, influence each other. They form an interconnected system, comparable to the earth’s atmosphere, in which a change in one zone can soon lead to a change in the status quo of another, distant zone.
We are part of a larger context, a unity that can only be explained if we always keep the whole in mind. If, as is customary in Western science, we break the whole down into its individual parts and examine them under the microscope without making the connection to the whole, we miss the essential. As researchers, we are faced with a dilemma. Because the analytical mind can only understand by compartmentalising. In order to really grasp the whole, we would have to leave intellectual understanding behind and focus on a different kind of cognitive ability, namely the intuitive ability to perceive our entire being, including the body, soul and spirit. We would have to put out invisible antennae, not think but feel, be intuitively receptive, open ourselves to an insight derived from the big picture instead of seeking the solution by means of compartmentalisation.
Exploring the component parts makes perfect sense as long as we keep an eye on the whole and see and interpret the phenomena that we discover at the level of the smallest parts in the light of the whole. These two approaches will then complement each other; they belong together.
However, we have to contend with the paradox that each part appears to be separate from other parts. This is the only reason why we are able perceive it as an independent part. But at the same time, the part is also the whole and, at this level, inseparably one with everything else. Both interpretations are true at the same time. It seems impossible to reconcile these two perspectives. But if we take the bold step to superimpose these two realities, like two slides showing the same object from different angles, then we see a completely different dimension. Our intuitive perception supports us in this endeavour.
Blocked aggression
Wherever healthy anger and aggression cannot flow or manifest itself, there is a congestion of aggression in the energy field of the people involved. The effects of unconsciously blocked aggression can manifest themselves in two fundamentally different ways.
Permanent inhibition (aggression is invisible)
People who grow up in aggression-inhibited families have no sense of the anger that may be secretly building up inside them. They feel neither anger nor aggression. This means that the development of their own life path is restricted. Because even healthy aggression, which is progressive (aggredere: advance) and takes us forward in the right direction, is blocked. Individuals from such a background have difficulty in defending themselves against attacks of all kinds, are unable to assert their space and position in both their private and professional lives or to find their way in life. They often remain ‘victims’ of circumstances.
Temporary inhibition with periodic outbursts of violence (aggression becomes visible)
This can also happen when aggression is blocked. Suddenly, all hell breaks loose. Repeated outbursts of anger in children or violent behaviour and violent crime in adults can be the result.
In families where the level of aggression has been too high for generations, there are frequent outbreaks of verbal or physical violence without any apparent trigger. The true source and the true object of the aggression is often no longer clear after just one generation and so the aggression repeatedly seeks out innocent victims. These may be a partner who is actually loved or even children. Unexplained anger that has been in the family system for generations is a frequent cause of domestic violence.
A man who was sexually abused in a most brutal fashion several times as a child is sitting on a powder keg of aggression, which should actually be directed at the perpetrator, but is instead directed at his wife and child or against himself in the form of drug and alcohol abuse or, in extreme cases, suicide.
The Medium
When I work as a medium, I completely cast off my ego. I have acquired the ability to do this over decades on a long professional path under the tutelage of many teachers, a path that was sometimes crisis-ridden, and sometimes beset by extremely painful personal experiences.
Shedding the ego is one of the hardest lessons to learn on the path of personal development if you want to progress along the path of maturity. This applies to everyone, no matter what they do for a living. Life itself sets us this task. It is a challenge that not all people accept. Those who consciously set out on this path have a sometimes hard, but always extremely fascinating and exciting journey ahead of them, which ultimately leads to the joy of existence. As always, there is no guarantee of success in the important endeavours of life. The journey is the destination.
However, this is not enough for an individual who wants to be available as a medium for shamanic healing energies. The goal of ‘egolessness’ must be achieved so that the individual’s own channel is pure enough to allow the healing energies of Healing Voices to pass through unfiltered and unaltered.
Even if you remain a completely normal person in everyday life and may continue to have wishes and fears, as a medium you shed all fears and ideas as soon as you issue the invitation to the shamanic healing powers.
But what is this thing, this ego, that you have to cast off in the course of training to become a Healing Voices healer?
The ego
It is that part of a person that feels separate from other people, basically from the whole world. The ego, the formation of the ability to recognise and experience oneself in separation from others, is an important part of human development. A child that initially feels itself in unity with its mother develops a sense of self in the first years of its life by experiencing itself as separate from its parents and siblings. You know that this time has come when the child utters the word “I” for the first time.
Depending on the cultural environment, the sense of self is more or less expanded on into adulthood, while the sense of community, the sense of unity, the awareness that one is also part of a community and a greater whole, decreases.
When the sense of I/me/mine becomes too strong, we speak of the ‘ego principle’, in which one’s own self becomes more important than the community. I want, I need, I want, e.g. love, security, influence, money, power. We feel separated and see the other person as an enemy against whom we have to assert ourselves. Behind this is the fear that the small human ego has of dissolution, of extinction, of death.
In the personal sphere, an exaggerated ego principle leads to separation from fellow human beings. Egotistical people are not welcome. They become lonely and, in extreme cases, embittered.
In the collective, social sphere, an exaggerated ego principle leads to the exploitation of other people (get-rich-quick mentality), the exploitation of nature (earth as the dominion of mankind), the oppression of minorities (only we have the right to be here) and to war and destruction (attack or be attacked). Strength, assertiveness and ruthlessness dominate the economic and political fields.